・ 外部サイトのリンクをたどられて、このページが表示された場合
・ アドレスを直接入力された場合
ねずみ屋 〜お絵かき部門〜
ねずみ屋 管理人:Owl
・When the link to "nezumi-ya.net"
is followed and this page is displayed.
>>There is an error in the link.
・When the link from an external site was
followed and this page is displayed.
>>There is an error in the link.
* The URL displayed when the return to browser button is pushed.
・When an address is entered directly.
>>Check whether the address has been entered correctly.
Return to the Nezumi-ya and click on the link to the page you wish to
Nezumi-ya Web Master: Owl